
I just finished posting a comment on Wizmo's blog about a young man who passed away before he was able to fully realize his life, and it got me thinking about signs; the little signals that fate, destiny, karma, whatever, throw at us to reveal the direction we're to head in.

I have never been a big believer in *signs*, always thinking people see what they want to see, taking whatever they need from any situation. Until recently, I was firm believer in our own control over our own lives. This has been a relatively new development, as in the past I had always believed in the unknown, the supreme energy that surrounds our lives and enhances our experiences within our lifetimes. But the veil of cynicism has been eroding over the last few months, and I feel the last remaining shreds falling to the wayside daily. I feel more in tune with myself now than I have in an incredibly long time, longer than I care to admit. It is my intent (if, in fact, there is one) that this trip I'm about to begin will bring me closer to my own truths, my own self-actualization. It is my hope (without going into this with too many expectations) that I will find my "center" as Katya so eloquently put it...

As for the signs? Well, just follow along for a second...

I check my recent activity on my images at Flickr and come across this comment:
"But being a Gemini, a baptism in air instead of water is so appropriate! The Aries link was hysterical yet accurate, at least to this Sun-and-three-planets-in-Aries girl. Just ask the smoking pile of former boyfriends. Thank goodness my Pisces rising gives me a bit of subtlety. Keep the great photos coming!"
Not remembering the link she spoke of, I go to the photo's page, and discover it's the image I took of an old, decrepit baptism pool I discovered last year when traveling the countryside the surrounds where I live. Baptism, of course, being symbolic of new life beginning into one's own faith, (even if that faith is faith in one's self).    (Sign l)

I followed the link in one of the previous comments on this image and came across an astrology website I haven't visited in the longest time. I followed along in the site and came across the Gemini section. Being that I'm a Gemini, I was curious to see what I had forgotten it said about my sign. I had checked it out before and found it almost spot-on accurate, so I was interested in reading it again. I saw a new link entitled "Nude Horoscope". Funny title, I thought. What the heck is a "Nude Horoscope?". Of course, if you've followed my images on Flick at all in the past several months, you'll know I became somewhat known for *nude* self portraits, so what is a more fitting horoscope for me than a "nude" one?

Well damn, this is what I found:
"It's a practical start, Gemini. Get organized. Get your life in order. Do your budget and stick to it. The midweek erupts into a welter of activity and communications. You'll be here, there and everywhere, trying to keep up. Issues around the balance of work and home life could take a pounding. Make some decisions about how you want to run your life and put them in place with Saturday'’s New Moon. Bliss out at home. Or blob out! Whichever you prefer."
First off, let me just point out that this particular horoscope is for this specific week. I have spent the better part of time putting this together for my impending departure (getting organized), which is to go on a journey to explore and discover (getting my life in order) new places and new levels of my own awareness. September 1st is next Thursday, the day I start moving my belongings into storage, and the day my new mailing address goes into effect, it will certainly be the day (midweek) that "erupts into a welter of activity and communication." I have made "some decisions" (the trip) about how to "run my life" and they are being put in place with "Saturday's New Moon" (I leave Sunday)... huh.    (Sign ll)

Then I follow the link on Wizmo's comment on my picture to her images and her profile. I followed the link on her profile to her blog and came across this post, which, as I stated at the beginning of this post, is about a young man terribly cut down before his potential is realized.    (Sign lll)

Screw any self-doubt, I'm doing this thing...


Anonymous Anonymous :

Screw any self-doubt, I'm doing this thing...

Self doubt is little more than your subconscious trying to keep you from taking risks...
So yes, screw self-doubt.

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